Grace Mugabe’s Assault(ee) in Pictures

The woman who was allegedly assaulted by Grace Mugabe, Gabriella Engels (Photo: Facebook).

This is the young lady who has taken two countries into a diplomatic gaffe that will most probably make life a lot harder than it has been already for most Zimbabweans.

I have heard the name in numerous publications and broadcasts and wondered who this unfortunate lady is, who has fallen victim to

the first lady’s violent acts and this time through the nasty end of a power chord.
While the story unfolds and with only one side of it available so far, we can only assume that Amai Grace’s silence says it all. With so many versions of the story, one can only assume there is more than what could have transpired in that room on that fateful night than what the eye can see and the ear can hear.

The woman who was allegedly assaulted by Grace Mugabe, Gabriella Engels (Photo: Facebook).

Known as Gaby on her social platforms and with very little information on it other than her 19th June birthday, Gabriel could be in a state of ‘anxitement’ as she has become popular overnight whilst still tending to wounds afflicted by the less graceful, Mrs Mugabe.

This could finally be her moment, not that she intended and certainly not that I am for such a behaviour from our leaders, but it could be a turning point into the lives of the two who stand on opposite sides. One could fall, as the hashtag goes, while the other rises to popularity though being on the receiving end of a brutal attack or sadly it could be such a dull ending to a story that has got everyone in South Africa totally flabbergasted after it goes through unending diplomatic talks and negotiations. I say this knowing so well how such cases can be swept under the rug of judicial arm twisting.
There isn’t much to say on such an incident rather than to wish for a speedy and agreeable end to a nightmare that could be potentially disastrous to political ties and Zimbabwean nationalities in South Africa.

All could be lost through the actions of one person who, no matter the provocation could not let God take care of it on her behalf or let her grace and bodyguards handle it on her behalf if reports of her being attacked first are to be taken as truth.

As it is women’s month in South Africa, the public is further disgusted and seeking the full wrath of the law regardless of societal stature. It is however interesting to note that there has never been an arrest of a first lady in any country outside her own in history and with Uncle Bob set to arrive in South Africa to sort out issues, it could be long until this record is broken.

Messages through her Facebook showed mixed emotions and tones, the two countries will need to use their diplomacy to the fullest to bring calm to this sad fiasco.

Here’s what some of her followers on Facebook had to say:

Jonathan van der Mkhize You’re so pretty just stop mingling with foreigners and good luck on your case (criminal & civil) sue the shit out of disGrace Mugabe, good luck to Gerrie Nel too. Good luck future millionaire (in Rands 😉

Channon Merricks #GraceMugabe had every right to use an extention cord and light to assualt someone ….. however she failed as a mother to discipline her children ….. she failed as a parent to leave her boys in a hotel whilst they are students without proper supervision …. she failed as first lady of Zimbabwe to ensure there is better universities in her country than in another country …. she failed to assault her boys as she had every right to assualt them ….. so assaulting someone else child because you failed as a parent means you are angry at the wrong person …. as a first lady you should lead the no violence against women but you are now accused of violence against a women in another country …..Now running away from police show you are guilty and failling again as a first lady and mother, to account for your actions, your boys will also run away from facing the consequences of there own ill discipline in future ..Boys learn from their mothers..To the victim, be strong and fight the good fight.

And then there was a reply:

Heine TheRoyal Tutor Wittgenstein You talk rather too much for someone who constructs sentences no better than a 12 year old. Was the mother wrong to protect her children from a predatory woman with potential STD’s? I don’t think so. Maybe her methods were not ideal. But this rhetoric that she was trying to murder this non-woman is just absurd. People would go to such lengths to push this narrative of violence against women. If women are so sick of violence – maybe they should stop playing victim and stop dating men. Everybody wins!

A war is brewing. May God save the children.