Zimbabwe’s Liberation War Veterans have called on cornered President Robert Mugabe to step down today or face the wrath of Zimbabweans in a planned final push rally scheduled for Zimbabwe Grounds in Harare.
The march which has also been endorsed by the opposition parties, civic groups, churches and the army will likely attract thousands from across the country. Even Mugabe’s former allies have turned against him and will be part of the protests.
Addressing a Press conference, the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans’ Association chairman Christopher Mutsvangwa said it was time for the 93-year-old to step down voluntarily or be forced out of power by the masses.
“From a very practical angle, he makes a decision today to leave, it’s upon him to make it and his wife [First Lady Grace] under the terms which he should negotiate with the generals,” he said.
Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti tweeted, “No doubt that today will see the biggest voluntary physical out pour against President Robert Mugabe. History will be made & thousands will turn up. It did not have to end up this way. No one owns our people and NO ONE should ever want to own our people again “.
This is Mugabe’s at his lowest and interesting to see if he can bounce back into the political arena but everything points to the Veteran leader’s exit.