List: Zimbabwe Ruling Party Faces 133 Parties at Polls

A Zimbabwean man walks past an election billboard urging people to register to vote (File Photo).

Harare: Zimbabwe’s ruling Zanu PF party faces a challenge from 132 opposition political parties in the upcoming harmonised elections.

Statistics show that 133 have registered to contest Zimbabwe’s upcoming elections - the first polls to be held without long-time ruler Robert Mugabe.
Mugabe was toppled in November last year.
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has expressed confidence the ruling party will defeat the over 132 opposition political parties in the polls.

133 political parties contesting in 2018

1. #1980FMZ #1980 Freedom Movement Zimbabwe

2. ADP African Democratic Party
3. AKE Alliance Khumbule’ Ekhaya
4. ANSA Alliance for National Salvation

5. APA Alliance for the People’s Agenda
6. BCP Bethel Christian Party

7. Busier Busier
8. BZA Build Zimbabwe Alliance
9. CP Chiefs Party
10. CTD Congress for True Democracy
11. DARE Democratic Assembly for Restoration and Empowerment
12. DA-UPP Democratic Alliance- United People`s Party

13. DAVID Divine Alliance for Vitalisation of Inspired Development
14. DAZ Democratic Alliance Zimbabwe
15. DOP Democratic Opposition Party of Zimbabwe

16. DPZ Democratic Party of Zimbabwe
17. DRK Democratic Revolution Kommand
18. DRP Democracy Restoration Party
19. ENDP Economic National Democratic Party
20. ERA Economic Reform Assembly
21. ERP Economic Reconstruction Party
22. FDZ Federal Democrats of Zimbabwe

23. FF Freedom Front
24. FJCZ Freedom Justice Coalition Zimbabwe
25. FLOANP (formally ANP) Forces of the Liberation Organisation of African National Party
26. FZC Freezim Congress
27. G40 Generation 40
28. GNSD Gungaisizwe Nationalistic Social Democrats
29. GPM: ZPP Zimbabwe People’s Party: Good People’s Movement

30. J JDP Justice and Development Party
31. KP Kambizi Party
32. LD Liberal Democrats
33. LP Liberation Party
34. LWTF Long Walk To Freedom
35. MAAT-Zimbabwe MAAT – Zimbabwe
36. MAYAZ Movement Amalgamating Youths to Advance Zimbabwe
37. MCD Multi-Racial Christian Democrats
38. MDC Movement for Democratic Change - Welshman Ncube
39. MDC Movement For Democratic Change
40. MDC-T Movement For Democratic Change - Tsvangirai
41. MKD Mavambo Kusile Dawn

42. MNP Mthwakazi National Party
43. MPDPZ Multi People’s Democratic Party of Zimbabwe
44. MRP Mtwakazi Republic Party
45. N.D.C National Democratic Congress
46. NAP National Action Party
47. NAPDR Nationalists Alliance of Patriotic and Democratic Republicans
48. NCA National Constitutional Assembly
49. NDC National Democratic Congress
50. NEPF National Empowerment Progressive Front Party
51. NP New Page
52. NPF National Patriotic Front
53. NPF (formally PIMZ) New Patriotic Front
54. NPJE National Party for Justice and Economics
55. NPP National People’s Party
56. NUP National Unity Party
57. NZDC New Zimbabwe Democratic Change
58. NZDP New Zimbabwe Democratic Party
59. NZRP New Zimbabwe Republican Party
60. PACD Progressive Alliance of Christian Democrats
61. PDP People’s Democratic Party
62. PDU People’s Democratic Union
63. PDZ Progressive Democrats of Zimbabwe
64. PIMZ Progressive and Innovative Movement of Zimbabwe
65. PPPZ People’s Progressive Party Zimbabwe
66. RAC Righteous African Congratulation Party
67. RDP Rainbow Democratic Party
68. RPDZ Real Progressive Democrats of Zimbabwe
69. RPZ Republican Party of Zimbabwe
70. RZFP Rise-up Zimbabwe Freedom Party
71. RZP Rebuilding Zimbabwe Party

72. SAPAZIM-SPZ Salvation Political Party Zimbabwe
73. SDP Sustainable Development Party
74. SUVOZ Suffering Voices of Zimbabwe
75. TAD The African Democrats
76. TIZ Total Independence of Zimbabwe
77. TKC Thy Kingdom Come
78. TZ Transform Zimbabwe
79. UANC United African National Council
80. UCA United Christian Alliance
81. UCAD United Crusade for Achieving Democracy
82. UCADGPZ United Crusade for Achieving Democracy Green Party of Zimbabwe
83. UDA United Democratic Alliance
84. UDF United Democratic Front
85. UDM (changed from UMUP) United Democracy Movement (changed from United Movement and Unions Party)
86. UDP United Development Party
87. UMD United Movement for Democracy

88. UMD United Movement for Devolution
89. UPP United People`s Party
90. UPZ Unity Party Zimbabwe
91. URFZ United Residents Front of Zimbabwe
92. USSAC Union of Socialist States of the African Continent
93. VIVA Voices In The Vision of Africa
94. VOP Voice of the People
95. VP Vanhu Party
96. WOYE Word Of Yahwe Expression
97. ZANU - PF Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front
98. ZANU NDONGA Zimbabwe African National Union -Ndonga
100. ZAPU Zimbabwe African People`s Union

101. ZCP Zimbabwe Communists Party
102. ZCPF Zimbabwe Citizen Party Forum
103. ZDC Zimbabwe Democratic Change
104. ZDP Zimbabwe Development Party
105. ZDPP Zimbabwe Democratic and Patriotic Party
106. ZDRP

107. ZEFF Zimbabwe Economic Freedom Fighters
108. ZEFP Zimbabwe Economic Freedom Party
109. ZIA Zimbabwe In Alliance
110. Zimfirst Zimbabwe First Party
111. ZIM-ID Zimbabwe Independent Democrats
112. ZimPF Zimbabwe People First
113. ZINACO Zimbabwe National Congress
114. ZIPP Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity
115. ZITA Zimbabwe Transitional Alliance
116. ZITER Zimbabwe Industrial & Technological Revolutionary Party

117. ZIYA Zimbabwe Youth in Alliance
118. ZLD Zimbabwe Liberation Democrats
119. ZLP Zimbabwe Labour Party
120. ZNRC Zimbabwe National Redemption Congress
121. ZOOPP Zimbabwe Organized Open Political Party
122. ZPF Zimbabwe People First
123. ZPF Zimbabwe People’s Front
124. ZPFU Zimbabwe Provincial Federal Unity
125. ZPM Zimbabwe Patriotic Movement
126. ZPV Zimbabwe People’s Voice
127. ZRDP Zimbabwe Rainbow Democratic Party
128. ZRDP Zimbabwe Revolutionary Democratic Party
129. ZRF Zimbabwe Republican Front
130. ZRP Zimbabwe Republican Party
131. ZUDA Zimbabwe United Democratic Alliance
132. Z ZUM Zimbabwe Uhuru Movement
133. ZUNDE Zimbabwe United for Democracy

Coalition Parties
PRC - People’s Rainbow Coalition

CODE - Coalition Of Democrats
MDC Alliance