16.1 C
Cape Town
Friday, December 3, 2021

#Covid-19 Hit Zimbabwe Farm Workers Hard

Farmworkers have been excluded from the Zimbabwean government’s allocation of $600 million set aside to cushion one million...

Massive Hunger Looms After Locust Outbreak in East Africa

THE World Bank is providing flexible financing and technical support to countries affected by the desert locust outbreak,...

How to Rescue Zimbabwe’s Sick Economy - 20 Point Plan

The real economy has long been decimated and what we are dealing with are remnants of the once vibrant economy which used to be the bread basket of Africa with a strong currency stronger than the USD in 1980.

Young Entrepreneurs Are Transforming The African Employment Climate

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Africa’s high unemployment rate is one...

Malawi Farmers Benefit From Norway’s Climate Change Technologies

Lilongwe: - Farmers in 12 districts are expected to benefit from climate resilience technologies, new crop varieties, and improved agronomic practices through an...

UN Checks Food Security Situation in Zimbabwe

GENEVA -  The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Hilal Elver, will carry out a fact-finding visit to Zimbabwe from...

Millions Face Hunger in Southern Africa

THE climate crisis has left more than 9 million people severely food insecure in the southern Africa region with the number expected...

Zimbabwe to Redollarize Before Year End as Market Rejects Bond

"To Be or Not to be. That is the question": William Shakespear ...

South Africa Calls for Calm After Deadly Attacks on Foreign Nationals

The South African government has warned against anarchy and violence following a wave of attacks on foreign nationals and businesses which affected...

World Economic Forum on Africa Focuses on the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Cape Town: The 28th World Economic Forum on Africa will take place in Cape Town, South Africa, on 4-6 September. The theme...